In 1927 John W Hammes, a prestigious Racine architect was in his basement trying to make life better in the kitchen. After watching his wife clean up messy food waste after dinner, he had an idea. What if food scraps could be ground into tiny pieces and flushed down the kitchen sink? Before dark, he found himself tinkering with sheet metal, a make-shift grind mechanism, a small motor, and a big idea. He wasn't trying to change how the world worked, he was simply trying to change how his wife worked. But by the end of the night, he was on his way to accomplishing both. The food waste disposer was born. And kitchen clean up would never be the same. Thomas Edison once quipped, "There's a better way to do it. Find it!" That's exactly what Hammes did. He found a better way to dispose of food waste. Over the next 11 years he perfected it. By 1938, he had not only built a brand, he had built a company. To learn more, contact us using the form below.